Cara Membuat form di VB 6.0 Transparant

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Baik, kali ini saya akan memberikan trik cara membuat form di microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 menjadi transparant, Jadi ikutin aja cara cara yang saya berikan berikut ini...
1. Buka VB 6.0 dan pilih Standard EXE.
2. Masukan di sebuah form 2 text, 1 label, dan 2command button.
3. Tambahkan 1 buah Module.

lalu masukan Syntax berikut di Module...
Private Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateEllipticRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreatePolygonRgn Lib "gdi32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByVal nCount As Long, ByVal nPolyFillMode As Long) As Long
Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long
Private Declare Function CombineRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestRgn As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn1 As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn2 As Long, ByVal nCombineMode As Long) As Long
Const RGN_XOR = 3
Public Sub MakeTransparent(TransForm As Form)
Dim ErrorTest As Double
On Error Resume Next
Dim Regn As Long
Dim TmpRegn As Long
Dim TmpControl As Control
Dim LinePoints(4) As POINTAPI
TransForm.ScaleMode = 3
If TransForm.BorderStyle <> 0 Then MsgBox "Change the borderstyle to 0!", vbCritical, "ACK!": End
Regn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)
For Each TmpControl In TransForm
If TypeOf TmpControl Is Line Then
If Abs((TmpControl.Y1 - TmpControl.Y2) / (TmpControl.X1 - TmpControl.X2)) > 1 Then
LinePoints(0).X = TmpControl.X1 - 1
LinePoints(0).Y = TmpControl.Y1
LinePoints(1).X = TmpControl.X2 - 1
LinePoints(1).Y = TmpControl.Y2
LinePoints(2).X = TmpControl.X2 + 1
LinePoints(2).Y = TmpControl.Y2
LinePoints(3).X = TmpControl.X1 + 1
LinePoints(3).Y = TmpControl.Y1
LinePoints(0).X = TmpControl.X1
LinePoints(0).Y = TmpControl.Y1 - 1
LinePoints(1).X = TmpControl.X2
LinePoints(1).Y = TmpControl.Y2 - 1
LinePoints(2).X = TmpControl.X2
LinePoints(2).Y = TmpControl.Y2 + 1
LinePoints(3).X = TmpControl.X1
LinePoints(3).Y = TmpControl.Y1 + 1
End If
TmpRegn = CreatePolygonRgn(LinePoints(0), 4, 1)
ElseIf TypeOf TmpControl Is Shape Then
If TmpControl.Shape = 0 Then
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height)
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 1 Then
If TmpControl.Width < TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width)
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 2 Then
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width + 0.5, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height + 0.5)
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 3 Then
If TmpControl.Width < TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width + 0.5, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width + 0.5)
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height + 0.5, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height + 0.5)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 4 Then
If TmpControl.Width > TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width + 1, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height + 1, TmpControl.Height / 4, TmpControl.Height / 4)
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width + 1, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height + 1, TmpControl.Width / 4, TmpControl.Width / 4)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 5 Then
If TmpControl.Width > TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height + 1, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height + 1, TmpControl.Height / 4, TmpControl.Height / 4)
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width + 1, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width + 1, TmpControl.Width / 4, TmpControl.Width / 4)
End If
End If
If TmpControl.BackStyle = 0 Then
CombineRgn Regn, Regn, TmpRegn, RGN_XOR
If TmpControl.Shape = 0 Then
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width - 1, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height - 1)
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 1 Then
If TmpControl.Width < TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width - 1, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width - 1)
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height - 1, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height - 1)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 2 Then
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width - 0.5, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height - 0.5)
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 3 Then
If TmpControl.Width < TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width - 0.5, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width - 0.5)
TmpRegn = CreateEllipticRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height - 0.5, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height - 0.5)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 4 Then
If TmpControl.Width > TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height, TmpControl.Height / 4, TmpControl.Height / 4)
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height, TmpControl.Width / 4, TmpControl.Width / 4)
End If
ElseIf TmpControl.Shape = 5 Then
If TmpControl.Width > TmpControl.Height Then
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Top + 1, TmpControl.Left + (TmpControl.Width - TmpControl.Height) / 2 + TmpControl.Height, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height, TmpControl.Height / 4, TmpControl.Height / 4)
TmpRegn = CreateRoundRectRgn(TmpControl.Left + 1, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + 1, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + (TmpControl.Height - TmpControl.Width) / 2 + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Width / 4, TmpControl.Width / 4)
End If
End If
End If
TmpRegn = CreateRectRgn(TmpControl.Left, TmpControl.Top, TmpControl.Left + TmpControl.Width, TmpControl.Top + TmpControl.Height)
End If
ErrorTest = 0
ErrorTest = TmpControl.Width
If ErrorTest <> 0 Or TypeOf TmpControl Is Line Then
CombineRgn Regn, Regn, TmpRegn, RGN_XOR
End If
Next TmpControl
SetWindowRgn TransForm.hwnd, Regn, True
End Sub
lalu masukan syntax berikut di Form
Private Sub Form_Load()
MakeTransparent Me
End Sub
4.lalu ke properties, ubah Borderstyle form nya menjadi "0 - None".
nah, mungkin hanya itu sedikit Ilmu yang bisa saya berikan, semoga bermanfaat bagi anda dan saya sendiri.
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About Ramdan Nurul

I am Blogger, Web Developer, and Software Developer.
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